Short Courses

We are excited to share that Girls’ Hifzul Qur’ān School Canada is now offering short evening courses for young girls, aged 7 to 15! These courses are open to all girls who are interested in learning and memorising different parts of the Holy Qur’ān and selected prayers. These short courses present a great opportunity to prepare for the Hifz Program if your child wishes to join it in the future. Your child does not need to be enrolled in the regular Hifz Program to participate in these short courses. Stay tuned for updates on new courses. Below are the courses that are currently available. Please check out the schedule below.

Journey to Juz ‘Amma

In this course, students will be engaged in the memorisation of the last part of the Holy Qur’ān with a focus on the correct recitation (tarteel) to enable them to recite from memory with excellence and precision. Each semester will cover memorisation of half of a section, completing the entire last part over two semesters.

Course Code: SC- HQLM

Offered in semesters: 1, 2

Click Here to Download Outline

Hifz Al Qaseeda

This course has been designed for the students to undertake the memorisation of Arabic Qaseeda over the span of a single semester. Al Qaseeda, a eulogy composed in honour of the Holy Prophetsaw by The Promised Messiahas holds significant reverence. Regarding this composition, he stated:“This Qaseeda has been accepted by Allah, and Allah has informed me that whoever memorises this Qaseeda and repeats it constantly, such a person’s heart would be granted a deep love for me and for Prophet Muhammadsaw and I will reward him with nearness to me”(Commentary of Al-Qasida)

Course Code: SC-HQ

Offered in semester(s): 1

Click Here to Download Outline

Salaat Secrets

In this course, students will learn and memorise selected excerpts from the Holy Qur’ān, encompassing verses recited by Hazrat Khalīfatul Masīḥ Vaa during congregational prayers. Students will achieve proficiency in reciting these verses from memory, enabling them to recite them in Salaat.

Course Code: SC-SS

Offered in semesters: 1

Click Here to Download Outline

Hifz Al-Ad’iya

This course is designed to facilitate students in memorising various prayers along with their English translations. Students will explore the historical background, relevance, and etiquette of each prayer. The course will foster cognitive development; enhancing memory, intelligence, and resilience, by engaging them in regular Zikr-e-Ilahi, or remembrance of Allah. Upon completion of this course, students will have a profound understanding and heightened appreciation of the significance and benefits of prayer in their lives.

Course Code: SC-HA

Offered in semester(s): 1

Click Here to Download Outline

Admissions for the short courses of GHQS are open in May for the fall semester, and November for the winter semester. Please refer to the schedule below to see short course offerings.

GHQS Evening Short Course Schedule

Evening Classes Only

Journey to Juz ‘Amma-A

Monday, Wednesday


These courses have two sections available for your flexibility. Please choose one section for one course.

Journey to Juz ‘Amma-B

Monday, Wednesday


Hifz Al Qaseeda – A

Monday, Wednesday


Hifz Al Qaseeda – B

Monday, Wednesday


Salaat Secrets – A

Tuesday, Thursday


Salaat Secrets – B

Tuesday, Thursday


Hifz Al-Ad’iya – A

Tuesday, Thursday


Hifz Al-Ad’iya – B

Tuesday, Thursday


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